"gaffe of the magi"---inspired by the work of Gustave Dore'.
"gaffe of the magi 2"---same as above,yet envisioned as an excerpt from the Sunday comics;I originally envisioned this as a cartoon,so I did this.
"predator was busy"---the most unlikely adversaries since Bambi and Godzilla.
"banal motivation"
A wallpaper version of something I did much,much smaller,like 1/5 the size.
"an irish toast"---something I created for the month of March.
"seven days to color".
"the easter gorilla"---'nuff said.
"have you met"---a tribute to one of Groucho Marx's famous songs.
"the mad tea party"
"don't ask for babs"
"give beer a chance"--sort of a 'what-if'' scenario,as in "what if John Lennon hadn't died in 1980".
"hitler's death car"
"new toy"
"team edward"...before the vampire,there was someone else with that first name.
"The 40 names of David Ryder"...and unless you're an avid MSTie,this
won't make any sense.
"the spirit of america"...the creation of which is a rather interesting story.I wanted to create a screensaver for the 4th of July,using the iconic trio of the famous "Spirit Of '76",but reinterpreted as modern people,so I had to come up with a threesome that represented the socio-racial-etc. diversity of modern America.What I came up with---well,I'm not even going to describe it because after hours of thought,and even more hours of creation,I looked at the finished piece and said,"I HATE this."This was approximately five hours ago.So I erased the whole thing and started over,creating what you see above.And I'm satisfied.
"oh dee doo dah day"
A wallpaper celebrating the many different artistic styles applied to Halloween.
"a shot of wild turkey"...if my other Thanksgiving-themed screensaver is too sedate for you.
In truth,no socio-political message here;I did a sketch of a woman dressed in a barrel with several rather embarassingly large holes in it,and I wanted to do it full-color.This "poster" is a framing device,nothing more.
"be mine forever"...just a little Valentine's-themed something I whipped up for my friends at
HorrorHumour at DeviantArt.
"bad toon gals"

"go for your skin"
"sorry...no boobies"
"it is against the leh"
"disney assemble!"---also submitted to Superheroes,but
posted here because it was also sized as a screensaver.
"matinee in the forest"
"the jack o'lantern"...created for Halloween,this depicts the old Irish legend from which
we get one of the most iconic elements of the holiday.
A notorious drunkard named Jack tricked Satan into climbing a tree,then carved a
crucifix into the trunk so the Devil couldn't get down.Jack did help him get down,but
only after making him promise that the demon would never tempt him,to which Satan
reluctantly agreed.Years later,when Jack died,he discovered that,while he wasn't
going to Hell,Heaven was also closed to him;he was given a small fire,placed inside
a hollowed-out turnip,becoming a lantern that he'd have to carry around for eternity.
When the Irish brought this tradition to America,they substituted the larger,easier-to-carve
pumpkin for the turnip,now long known as "Jack's lantern".
I call this "candy coated heart of darkness".
More fun for Halloween.
"funny back guarantee"
I was going to say for anyone who lived as a youth in the 70's,but I
realize that anybody can easily get,then read a comic book from that era.
I call this "no invisible hair needed "...rather than try to explain the
admittedly bizarre title,it's a lot easier to just show you the artwork
which inspired it,done by grimphantom,which I first saw on DeviantArt.
Hope it's alright with him my putting this here...and I might as well
mention he did an alternate version,with the girls nude.It can be
seen on his blog.
"something wrong with your TV"
"left out for his visit"