No fairy tale,this one.
I've always loved low-budget movie posters;here's one,newspaper-ad style.
"Hello.I'm Rags.Woof Woof Woof Woof."

Back before Burt became a punchline,Bill became a shill for Jell-O,and Susan was---well,I can't remember what she was doing back then,but she was HOT.
Anyone remember the kiddie-matinee trend of the very-late-60's-to-mid-70's?No?Well,here's another one...
The pictures came from a site devoted to defunct tourist attractions---in this case,Santa's Lands open year-round.
.....AND make a bawdy comedy seem respectable?It's easy if you try!
Upon clicking,you will see.....this IS the actual size.
Silent Night,Deadly Night {actual film seemed relevant}
I love "Plan 9".I love James Cameron.What can I say?
Tim Does George.
That is a photo of me,taken at Halloween sometime in the mid-90's.
From the golden age of home video.
.....AND,from the golden age of fact,that's the name of this piece.
Another piece inspired by the golden age of grindhouse.
My idea for the poster for an unrealized Edward D. Wood,Jr. film,one that didn't even get past the initial idea.
I call this "meatball horror",as it was inspired by the lurid posters for Italian horror movies;I was thinking along the lines of a fictional Alien ripoff,circa 1981.
The second feature's one of those last-minute bonuses.
"annette,frankie not included"...a faux 1960's beach movie poster done for a contest on DeviantArt.
"grindhouse mimi"...the famous art-house flick,with THAT nude scene,
reimagined for the grindhouse crowd.
"the ghost host and mr. chicken",which I also have among my Haunted
Mansion-inspired fact,I just noticed that I forgot to include my
grindhouse-style poster... here it is!
"woman of the future"
If you'll look way up there to the faux-newspaper movie ad for the cheerleader
movie,you'll see that it's a triple-feature;one of the titles,A Creature Was Stirring,was
taken from an already-existing work,also shown above.I needed a third title,so
I quickly came up with the one shown here...and NOW,it's got a poster
to go along with it!
I call this "cinematic titanic".No,it's got nothing to do with Joel Hodgson and his
fellow former Best Brains,and their post-MST3K movie-riffing project.And yes,technically
this isn't a movie poster per se,but I put it here anyway;it's a little collage inspired by the
rotten movies that seem to rear their ugly heads every January.
"no time for leon"...and if that title strikes you as a
little nonsequitorial,the simplest way to explain it is that
the titles of this particular triple feature were inspired by
a brief scene in the movie "Robocop 3".
"sextuple feature"...something I created for the Halloween
season as it winds down.
"based on the best seller"
Inspired by the Alan Moore/Dave Gibbons graphic novel Watchmen,in
which Hollis Mason,formerly known as the masked crimefighter Nite Owl,
upon his retirement in the early 1960s,decides to pen his memoirs about his
days with the Minutemen,a group of similarly costumed vigilantes.
This came out of the idea that,shortly afterward,Hollywood bought the rights
to the story and turned it into a motion picture.
The pictures of the mid-60's cast are a little small,and thus hard to read,so... is the cast of ''under the hood''.
Sort of a vanity thing,really.I spent a lot of time dressing these stars
of the mid-60's as the members of the Minutemen,and...well,those
dinky little pictures on the poster just aren't enough!
"not cheap to make"
This is based on a fictional,non-parody movie that appeared in
MAD magazine # 227 (Dec. 1981)...they chose to comment on
the then-popular slasher movie trend by doing an original,
all-purpose parody.
"rutland weekend cinema"
It kinda helps if you're familiar with The Rutles,
a Beatles parody/pastiche first conceived in the mid-70's
by Monty Python alumnus Eric Idle and comic rocker Neil Innes.
For those familiar...yes,I am aware of the Yellow Submarine
Sandwich clip that appeared on their mid-70's pseudo-documentary.
I decided I preferred to do something a bit more original.
"spend halloween at the movies"
"NOT" gone forever"
A poster for a theoretical mid-90's biopic about 1960's B-movie
film director Ray Dennis Steckler,in which I imagine actor Nicolas
Cage...who once bore a strong resemblance to the filmmaker...
in the lead role.
"breyerwicz and danton"
"a creature was stirring" has got to be my favorite poster, her facial expression and exposed butt, all the while being looked at by all those monsters' eyes :3 it's been a favorite of mine ever since i first saw it on DA years ago!