Marvel,when they created a mini-series of comic titles which featured heroes
combining elements of their trademark heroes.
"justice league of avengers"
Combining the roster of two of comic's most famous supergroups,we have
(starting at the front,then clockwise) Thor-El (Superman/Thor),Green Arrow
(Green Lantern/Hawkeye),Amazon Witch (Wonder Woman/Scarlet Witch),
Black Flag (Batman/Captain America),She-Canary (Black Canary?She-Hulk),
Stingray (Aquaman/Yellow Jacket),Iron Manhunter (Iron Man/Martian
Manhunter) and the Glimpse (The Flash/Vision).
"black flag and falcon"
I loved my JLAvengers character so much,I decided to
give him his own title.
"forbush bug and the JLA"
....and here they are again...albeit providing a backdrop for
this Ambush Bug/Forbush Man mash-up.
Another 90's-inspired piece,combining the JLA spinoff the Super Buddies
with some lesser-known Avengers,we begin with (front center,then clockwise)
Beetle Knight (Blue Beetle/Moon Knight),Gold Medal (Booster Gold/Triathlon)
Mary Mar-Vell (Mary Marvel/Mar-Vell a.k.a. Captain Marvel),Janet Dibney
(Sue Dibny/Janet Pym) Dragonfire (Fire/Moondragon) Hank Dibny a.k.a.
Enlarging Man (Ralph Dibny a.k.a. Elongated Man/Hank Pym a.k.a. Giant Man)
and Atomic Wonder (Captain Atom/Wonder Man).
"the amazing arachknight"
A Batman/Spiderman combo,squaring off against (front center,then clockwise)
Coldsand (Mr. Freeze/Sandman).Joy Buzzer (Joker/Electro),Dr. Duo-Puss
(Two-Face/Dr. Octopus),Blackwing (Penguin/Vulture),Enigmo (Riddler/Mysterio)
and Harvester (Poison Ivy/Kraven The Hunter).
"amalgam heroes"
No cover mock-up this time,just a group of heroes featuring (left front,then clockwise)
Jack Marvel (Captain Marvel/Jack Of Hearts),Rascal (Impulse/Rogue),Jadra (pronounced
JAY-drah,Jade/Tigra),Starstorm (Firestorm/Quasar),Bloodclaw (Bloodwynd)/Black
Panther),Dr. Spectre (Spectre/Dr.Strange),Devil Girl (Power Girl/Daredevil) and Luke
Gardener,Warrior (Guy Gardener a.k.a. Green Lantern/Luke Cage a.k.a. Power Man).
"bronze age amalgam"
Combining two superteams,DC's Outsiders with Marvel's Defenders, (starting on
the far left) Tsunami (Black Lightning/Submariner),Incubus (Metamorpho/Son Of
Satan),Bladegoddess (Katana/Valkyrie)...above her is Darkhawk (Shade/Nighthawk)
...continuing next,a non-Batman Bruce Wayne/Dr. Strange,then next is Red Angel
(Halo/Red Guardian),then behind her is Gamma Force (Geo-Force/the Hulk).
"the society of twelve"
A collection of World War II-era heroes,these combine DC's Justice Society with the
cast of characters from Marvel's "The Twelve".
In the front row,starting far left is Miss Wonder (Wonder Woman/Captain Wonder).
Phantom Avenger (Crimson Avenger/Phantom Reporter),Green Blaze (Green Lantern/
Fiery Mask),the Bolt (the Flash/Dynamic Man).
Next row: Johnny Laughter and his Thunderbolt (Johnny Thunder/Laughing Man),
Mastermind Zatara (Zatara/Mastermind Excello),Spectress (Spectre/Black Widow),
Mr. Fate (Dr. Fate/Mr. E) and Meteorman (Starman/Rockman).
Back row: the Nightwitness (Dr. Mid-Nite/the Witness),Atomico (the Atom/Electro)
and Blue Claw (Wildcat/Blue Blade).
"captain sam"
More heroes of WWII,combining Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters with
the All-Winners' Squad...Captain Sam (Uncle Sam/Captain America),Golden
Boy (the Ray/Bucky),the Mouse (Doll Man/Whizzer),Miss Phantom (Phantom
Lady/Miss America),the Human Fuse (Human Bomb/Human Torch) and
Black Marlin (Black Condor/Submariner).
"jonn'e blaze,ghost hunter"
A Martian Manhunter/Ghost Rider mash-up.
"adam radd,surfer of space"
Combining Adam Strange with the Silver Surfer.
"the fantastic league"
Combining Marvel's Fantastic Four with four JLA members...Nomad
(Invisible Woman/Gypsy),Mr. Elastic (Mr. Fantastic/Elongated Man),
the Glacier (Ice/ the Thing) and Goldfire (Booster Gold/Human Torch).
"the fantastic patrol"
Another FF mash-up,with the Doom Patrol...Dr. Niles Richards (Niles Caulder/
Reed Richards),Susan Farr (Rita Farr/Sue Storm-Richards),Larry Grimm (Larry
Trainor/Ben Grimm) and Johnny Steele (Cliff Steele/Johnny Storm).
"mutants do fly"
Based on a classic Neal Adams-illustrated Green Lantern--Green Arrow cover,
combining them with (respectively) the X-Men's Cyclops and Wolverine,
with Roy Harper combined with Wolverine's son Daken.
"the syndicate sinister"
A mash-up of DC's Crime Syndicate Of Amerika,who are evil-universe counterparts
to the JLA,with Marvel's Squadron Sinister (sometimes Supreme),an alternate-universe
team of heroes who often squared off against the Avengers....they are Ulterion (Ultraman/
Hyperion),Diva (Super Woman/Lady Lark),Johnny Whiz (Johnny Quick/Whizzer),Golden
Owl (Owlman/Golden Archer) and Lightbender (Power Ring/Doctor Spectrum).
"the x-league"
Combining the Justice League...specifically,the short-lived Detroit-based roster...
with the X-Men...starting at the bottom,then up clockwise we have Thunderstrike
(Vibe/Thunderbird),Vixx (Vixen/Wolverine),Spellcaster (Zatanna/Nightcrawler),
the Flexisteel Man (Elongated Man/Colossus),Mindseye (Martian Manhunter/
Cyclops),Mist (Gypsy/Storm) and Sunsteel (Steel/Sunfire).
"let there be reign!!!"
Here,I started with the established Amalgam hero Super Soldier (Superman/Captain
America),and built upon the Superman storyline Reign Of The which,following the Man Of Steel's "death",four heroes emerged,three of which claimed to be a resurrected
Here,I've combined them with four Marvel heroes affiliated with Captain America,and included
visual references to Super Soldier...they are Survivor (Last Son Of Krypton/Nomad),
Battlesteel (Man Of Steel/Battlestar),Dreamgirl (Superboy/American Dream)
and Cyberagent (Cyborg Superman/U.S. Agent).
"the champions of infinity"
Combining DC's Infinity,Inc. with Marvel's Champions,they include
Nuclearwing (Nuklon/Angel),Polarwind (Northwind/Iceman),Jadestar
(Jade/Darkstar),Athena (Fury/Hercules),Shadowrider (Obsidian/Ghost Rider)
and Black Scarab (Silver Scarab/Black Widow).
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