Wednesday, April 19, 2017


                                     A collection of art inspired by Alan Moore and
                              Dave Gibbon's groundbreaking graphic novel Watchmen.

"bronze age minutemen"
A re-imagining of the 1940's-era vigilante group the Minutemen,
what they might've looked like as superheroes of the
Bronze Age of Comics (1970-1986).

"tears of a comedian"
The Comedian,in the style of Magaret Keane.

"watchmen A"
An alternate-universe roster,starting on the far left:
Dan Dreiberg aka Mothman...the successor to Byron Lewis,the original Mothman,with whom Dreiberg is a close friend. Lewis currently runs one of the most prestigious psychiatric hospitals in the country.
Edward Blake aka The Solemn of the country's most revered masked adventurers;he tragically died while stopping the murderous plot of Rameses II (see below).
Sylvia Kovacs aka Silhouette...following the death of her son Walter at the hands of her abusive ex-husband,she donned mask and trenchcoat to become the mysterious vigilante.
Janey Slater aka Mother Earth...physically transformed by a bizarre quantum physics accident,her superhuman abilities have waned with the passing years,but she remains forever dedicated to humanity.
Lyle Juspeczyk aka Steel Spectre...became a superhero against the wishes of his father,Solomon "Sol" Juspeczyk,the first Steel Spectre.
Adrian Veidt aka Rameses II...the mastermind behind a hideous plan to murder all the world's first-born children in one night,believing it would make him immortal;fortunately,he was thwarted by the Solemn Man,who tragically died in the process.

"all the vermin will drown"


"crushed fruit pie in alley"

Inspired by the Hostess ads that ran in superhero comics in the 1970s.

"who's smarter"

Based on the title page of Superman Vs. The Flash,
as originally done by Bob Oksner.

"based on the best seller"

Shortly after retiring from being the masked vigilante Nite Owl in the early 1960s,
former policeman Hollis Mason writes Under The Hood,a tell-all memoir about 
his days with the Minutemen; I'm imagining him selling the movie rights to 
Hollywood,hence the above poster.

"the cast of 'under the hood' "
A companion piece to the above.

"they're working on a name"

In the second issue of Before Watchmen:Minutemen...a comic-book miniseries showing 
what happened in the lives of the characters before the events of Watchmen...we saw the 
open auditions for the Minutemen. Unfortunately,not everybody made the cut,and I'm 
imagining the rejected applicants deciding to form their own group. 
Starting on the left (and not all were identified in the story) Liberty Lassy,The Iron Lid,
unnamed,The Slut,and The Frogman (crouching down).The remaining three were also 
unidentified. The tryouts were also depicted in the one-shot 
Before Watchmen:Dollar Bill.

"who watches the princesses"

"watchmen beyond"

In 1996,all of DC Comics' annuals had the same theme,Legends Of The Dead 
Earth. These were a series of stories taking place centuries after the planet 
Earth was dead,with surviving humanity scattered throughout the galaxy.The 
legends of the superheroes had also survived,and many of these tales featured 
the main character,human or alien,becoming a new incarnation of the hero.

"he doesn't have asthma"

Briefly mentioned in Watchmen...Zack Snyder's movie adaption as well as the book 
...the never-seen masochistic super-villain-wannabe who wishes nothing more than 
to receive a beating at the hands of a masked hero.


In 2013,Superman celebrated his 75th birthday. Batman's was the following year,with Wonder Woman's in 2016. As these celebrations usually included a visual collage of how these characters 
had changed throughout the years,with constant re-interpretation for the new 
generation,I imagined the same for Captain Metropolis,Watchmen's 1940s-era hero.

"jumping without a parachute?"

"unsung heroes"

Detectives Joe Bourquin and Steven Fine,two lesser-known 
but pivotal characters.

"golden age watchmen"

"okay,let's do this once more"

I found inspiration in the animated feature
Spider-Man:Into The Spiderverse.

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