Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Dark Side.

                          A collection of art that's monstrous,weird,or just plain creepy...and isn't a
                                     cereal box,movie poster,screen saver...well,you get the idea.

"city mouse,co..ehr..whatever"
You might not believe this,but Mickey Mouse and Rat Fink,both pictured above,are related.

It's true.

In Southern California,in the mid-1950's,Disney and Mickey Mouse were in,
largely because of the recently-opened Disneyland,making mouseketeer hats
the gotta-have item among kids...a situation legendary underground artist
Ed "Big Daddy'' Roth found somewhat intolerable.So,rather than go on
a homicidal rampage,he created the esteemed Mr. Fink up there.

"join us in our dance of death"
Inspired by artwork found in Michael J. Nelson's (of MST3K fame) "Goth-icky".
And,while we're on the subject of Mystery Science Etc.,

                                                                 "movie sign is futile"

                                                      "sears and K-mart won't carry it"

                                         Goddamn you Bobbi Fleckmann,and all you stand for.

                        "they DID save his brain"---hey,you gotta have Hitler in a collection like this!
                                                 And speaking of science gone awry---

"easy bake genetics"

                                                               "earth fights back",and

                                                                   "beyond the probe".

                          and still more aliens and naked women in this one,"earth girls are easy".

                    "zoinks!!!"---it's not just aliens who get naked girls---or is that girls naked?

"THX 1138"---my tribute to George Lucas' other classic sci-fi film,
the one that didn't inspire all the toys,theme park attractions,
endless debates among diehard sci-fi geeks,three episodes of
Robot Chicken,and that really horrible holiday special.

                  "crayfella's eve"---created for a DeviantArt contest,in which you had to create
                           a re-interpretation of of their mascot for Halloween-inspired art.

                         "and mirrors"---for another DeviantArt contest,a comic and grotesque
                                                           anti-smoking statement.


"the addams-munster wedding"

                                                                     "jack and sally"

                                                       Yeah,yeah,I know....dumb joke.

                                        ...and speaking of dumb jokes..."lichtenstein's monster"

"my favorite zombie flicks",a Picasa-created collage.

                                                                   "zombie claus"

                                                               "winston smith at work"

"blood and chocolate"

"no guts,no glory"

"ten seconds to elf destruct"

Holiday greetings from Krampus!

"I heart you"
(Valentine's Day greetings from nobody you wanna know)

"the month of March"

Just a little commentary on how sick I am of the winter of 2014.

"beautiful but deadly"...a little something I created for a contest
on DeviantArt,the object of which was to create an original supervillainess.

"hoppin'  down"...just a little something for Easter;I wanted to do something
completely different from the giant-feral-rabbit-emerging-from-a-giant-chocolate
-egg thing that I did last year (that one can be seen among my screensaver pics).

I call this "creepy pasta",I don't know what
that actually means.I don't care.
This is how I'm interpreting it.

Throughout grade school,I used to draw this weird alien-monster creature;its 
face had three eyes,placed in a triangular fashion on its head...over time,the two 
bottom eyes became membrane-like also had two small rows of
sideways teeth,fins on its back,tentacles protruding from its upper torso...
basically many of the features you see here.It also used to carry a small portable 
radio like my older brother owned;over time,that changed to a boombox,then 
some kind of eroded boombox.
I don't think I ever thought of it as an aquatic creature,but for the sake of an 
interesting backdrop,I decided to make it so the time I was drawing him in college,
I gave him a girlfriend,which here I've also made an underwater creature,done in a 
style borrowing from various good-girl/pin-up artists like Bill Ward,Wally Wood 
and Tex Avery,just to name a few.
Oh....I call this "bust and boom".

"the rat in the hat"
An amalgam of two iconic characters,combining the signature styles
of their creators,Dr. Seuss and Ed "Big Daddy" Roth!

"death to poochie"

"sincerity rewarded"...just a little something
to kick off Halloween 2014.

"bare facts"...created for a contest on DeviantArt,the idea was to depict 
a phobia with a visually sexual connotation.
Oh,yeah,almost forgot...vestiphobia is the fear of clothing,while 
catagelophobia is the fear of being ridiculed.

"pay to hell"
In my childhood,I heard numerous stories about those who'd hand out candy or 
other treats deliberately laced with poison,needles or something intended to harm 
an unwitting trick-or-treater.As far as I recall,there were no such incidents reported 
in my neighborhood,or even in my city.
In fact,not far from my street,there was an elderly woman who,for many years,invited 
children into her house for cider and doughnuts.But I also remember the disclaimer that 
was eventually put at the end of the Fat Albert Halloween Special,strongly advising 
children not to enter strangers' houses when trick-or-treating.
I don't know if people who tainted treats actually existed...well,I suppose there must've 
been enough incidents to warrant the any case,people like that deserve a 
very special type of the above. 

"the best Xmas ever"

"love perdition style"...just a little something I 
whipped up for a contest on DeviantArt.

"far,far below any rainbow"
With St. Patrick's almost upon us...

"tipper gore"

Shock-value illustration based on a really bad pun,or slightly dated 
socio-political commentary? You decide!!!

"beneath the dread"

"humor in...vein"

Created for the upcoming Halloween season,a combination for the 
storytellers in EC's classic horror comics of the 1950's and the 
phenomenon of the comics that tried to copy the success of MAD 
(also EC,also the 50's) when in debuted as a comic in 1953.

"goodie bag"

In a graphics course I had in college,we were assigned to create a unique design 
for a trick-or-treat bag;I created a grungy-looking vampire and witch behind the 
wheel of a hot rod,done in a style reminiscent of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth.
Unfortunately,I no longer have that piece,so I decided to create a new version,once 
again drawing inspiration from Roth,but also adding the iconic devil's head created 
by Chris Cooper a.k.a. Coop,and giving the witch the face of Basil Wolverton's 
"Beautiful Girl Of The Month" from MAD #11,May 1954.

"the horny dead"

"he sees you"

"lonely hunter"

"january q. irontail"

"school daeysz"

"the scottish draft"

"wrong holiday"

"santa conquers the martians"

" 'happy' new year "

"neither hot nor stuff"

"a tisket,a tasket".

"hammer time"

"who's feast is this"

Winston,the lovable little Boston Terrier pup from the 2014 Disney animated 
short Feast is about to meet the terrifyingly bloodthirsty monster from the 
2005 horror movie Feast.

This may not end well.

"poot dot toyhee dowhoon"

Inspired by one of my least favorite holiday movies,the 1996 loud,
grotesque and generally unfunny Jingle All The Way.

"he who dispenses the coal"

Another dark Christmas-themed piece.

"power glove"

"into the vast wasteland"

"his cold,dead hands"

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