Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cereal Killers.

Truth be told,I didn't even come up with the concept;there's a blog out there where a collection of artists create some truly bizarre juxtapositions of pre-packaged breakfast cereal with worlds of the macabre.I liked the idea so much,I started doing my own.

Okay,more amateur Latin....the passage on the bust in the background translates as "He who rules in blood",while the box in the lower-right corner reads "Inside---small images of famous people".
However,just exactly who those people are,and the connection they have to our notorious Roman despot---look it up.That's why we have libraries.

those guys who played for Notre Dame.

The cereal that celebrates the collection of those physically bizarre and morally questionable people who travel from town to town,bringing laughter,spangles,sawdust,unsafe rides and disease to the delight of kiddies everywhere!

Fear,loathing,crunchy in milk.

I suppose,technically this is a parody;I originally thought about doing this one as a Wacky Package,but I wanted to go bigger.

If Bram Stoker's widow ever comes over for breakfast,don't serve her this.

"siempre viva"---eating this won't make you immortal,but at least you won't have to spend eternity painting yourself.

Sonny's off his meds.

Yes,Virginia,John Harvey Kellogg really did this to his patients.

No joke here---Yogi Bear really did kill this guy.

{okay,in a commercial sense}

"sugar kills"

"bloody,even in milk".

"tueur de cereal"---named for the infamous late-19th century Parisian theater which specialized in on-stage depictions of bloody mayhem.

"apocalypse bargains".

"live fast,leave a corpse".

"cereal of lost children"---inspired by one of my favorite movies.

"it's bad for you"---I've always liked the "man's ruin" image;I looked for a unique way of presenting it rather than just doing it straightforward,like other depictions I've seen.I thought about doing it as a movie poster,I even considered doing it as a Wacky Package...although I might've made it fit with the 1970's motif I prefer to do them in,I honestly couldn't think of a suitable parody name...then it came to me: "cereal killer"!!!

                                                                   "ledger demane"

                            In a college graphics course,I was introduced to Simple Simon,a 1940's
                            brand of muffin mixes,biscuit flour and so forth.On the boxes was this...
                            well,there's no other way to say it...incredibly demonic-looking elf,
                            which I have reproduced visually verbatim here.Yes,that's exactly how
                            the freakin' thing looked...I call this piece,for obvious reasons,"he sees you".

"BRAAAIN food"
Always been one of my favorite zombie flicks.

"hopalong casuality"

"the hills have mouths".
Alexander "Sawney" Bean was the (mythical?) head of a clan of cannibals that terrorized
15th/16th-century Scotland.Hiding in a cave 200 yards deep somewhere in Bennane Head,
its entrance hidden by high tide,Bean,his wife and their family of 46...some of which were
the product of incest...assaulted and captured travelers on the nearby roads for years,then
dragged many of them back to their cave to be killed and eaten.When they were
eventually discovered,King James VI of Scotland sent an army of 400 men;upon their
capture,they were taken to Leith (or Glasgow?) where the Bean males were castrated,
their hands and feet cut off,after which they bled to death.The Bean women were all
burned alive.

"food of the gods"

"tales from the crispy"

"you're the topps"

Admittedly,something of a stretch,this one,as it doesn't depict any 
sort of monster,real or fictional,and there's no depiction of anything 
that could be considered a questionable act.

This is actually a re-do;the original featured one cartoon character 
done in a one-dimensional style. As this pays homage to Wacky 
Packages,I wanted to do something in a Norm Saunders style (the 
artist for many of the original W.P.s),and make the characters a 
trio like Snap,Crackle & Pop,but clearly inspired by the Three Stooges.

"no vitamins"

"breakfast bounty"

"cold cereal"

"slithering death"

"food that makes noise"

"different posse"

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